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Inspiration of VINTAGE

View: 371401/21/2016  

Many people are curious about where the inspiration of vintage buggy came from because there is no buggy in China. Today we have our CEO Henry answer this question. He is the one who decided to start the project of vintage buggy.

It was in November 2014 when I went to EICMA SHOW in Milan with Jason. Before this tour, our main products were CHAMPS and ELYEES and I never thought that one day I would made vintage buggy. We saw a lot of novel motorcycles and vehicles on EICMA SHOW. There was a blue VW buggy that drew my attention. It was for the first time that I met with VW buggy. Standing in front of the buggy, I was thinking"Wow, what an amazing vehicle! Maybe our team can made one." I sent a picture of the green vw buggy to my friend and asked him "What do you think if our company makes this buggy?" To my surprise, he had seen this blue VW buggy before and liked it very much.

Jason and I told our R&D team this idea after returning home from Milan. After discussion we started this project. It was not easy in the beginning. We searched a lot of information about Volkswagen buggy, beach buggy, dune buggy, vintage buggy and consulted my friends abroad. They gave us tons of valuable advice.

After about half a year, our vintage buggy prototype war born and I said to Jason, "Look, it was not so difficult.".Over the next few months we had tested and improved it and its time to introduce it to the market.

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